Tag Archives: sunrise

Getting the Shot–A Beautiful Foggy Sunrise

Each time I view the picture above I am continually amazed at how much I enjoy it. The colors of the rising sun along with the stream flowing through the middle of it. And of course the fog. Without the fog this photo is just a nice picture of the sunrise. I never imagined capturing this shot on this morning. I was in search of another of Minnesota’s native orchids which I wrote about here. Since I was already coming to this park to find an orchid, I decided to get there earlier to enjoy the night sky which I was missing because the year has been so cloudy. While driving around under the star filled sky I eventually stopped at this spot to photograph the stars. Soon there was light on the horizon and I could see a heavier fog developing near the ground. Setting up a few different compositions I decided that this would be the shot I wanted to work with. Cameras see things differently than our eyes do and capturing a sunrise or sunset can be difficult as either the foreground becomes only a silhouette or the sky is to bright losing much of the beautiful color.

Overexposed for the foreground

Anticipating this I knew I had to take different exposures to capture all of the different elements in the shot. Fortunately the camera was already set up for this from taking photos of the night sky. It was attached to a tripod and had a remote shutter release plugged in so as to not disturb the camera to get a sharper image. In this shot above I overexpose the scene to capture the color of the plants in the foreground. These portions where then blending with the underexposed photo, which is the second from the bottom, to bring out more detail in the plants at the bottom instead of keeping them as a silhouette. This is closer to what I was seeing that morning.

Slightly overexposed to capture the fog

This next photo, above, is still overexposed but not as much. It reveals the fog in a more realistic fashion. Because of this I used the foggy portions of the photo to blend together with the underexposed picture below. The next picture below is what the camera considers properly exposed. This was not how everything looked to me at that time. There is no detail in the foreground and the sky is mostly blown out appearing white. There’s nothing that can really be done about this in a photo editing program using only the one picture. You can see why multiple photos are needed with different exposures to capture a more realistic scene at this time of day. Another solution to create a more realistic picture is to use specialized filters on the camera lens. I don’t have the necessary filters for my camera so blending multiple exposures in photo software is how I handle these situations. From this properly exposed shot I used the tree line next to the sky for the final photograph.

Correct exposure

This next picture below is underexposed to bring out the colors of the sky before the sun rose above the horizon. Everything else basically became a silhouette. Often times I like that look but not for this photograph. I wanted the fog, which is so crucial to the whole scene, to be visible in the final picture. Below is the photo that I used as the foundation for the final picture at the top. From this I blending the different pieces from three other pictures of different exposures to create a photo that more realistically resembles the scene that morning.

Underexposed to bring out the colors of the sky

Most of the time the best photos come from planning, preparing, and waiting for just the right moment to capture the scene with the right lighting. There can be a lot of time involved to set up a beautiful picture such as scouting out an area, trying different compositions, watching the weather forecasts, and possibly long hikes with all of the heavy camera equipment and suitable clothing for the conditions. This was a case of being in the right place at the right time. Sometimes you just get lucky and rewarded for waking up earlier than would be considered sane and getting to a location with plenty of time. I did drive around much of the area earlier in the morning and had to drive around a second time once I decided this was the spot I wanted to shoot from due to the stream and direction of the brightening sky in relation to that stream. There was some planning and scouting but not much.

What is even more amazing to me is you could go by this spot almost any other time and it looks very plain and lacks a great photographic quality. Ordinarily a place where you wouldn’t expect to capture a great picture. But a late summer sunrise combined with a beautiful fog makes the shot. The picture below shows the same location after the sun has risen above the horizon. The fog became even heavier for a short time but quickly disappeared once the sun warming rays penetrated through it. The water looks mucky and brown. There are a scattering of trees, some if which are dead. A variety of wetland plants which, typically don’t make nice pictures, are everywhere throughout the scene. Really nothing except the stream appears as though it would make a good picture. It really proves the importance light, timing, and composition make. I could have used the composition in this picture below and it would have made an interesting photo. By zooming into the scene a little more like I did, I feel like I’m taken into the landscape. I become a part of the scene enjoying the twilight as fog develops and water trickles by. You can almost here the morning birds beginning to chirp and feel the cool foggy air causing you to reach for the warm coffee nearby while waiting for the sun’s rays to reach above the trees and the day to begin.

The area after the sun had risen covered by heavier fog

Inspiration Returns

I don’t remember when I was this excited to be holding a camera. It was probably early this year out photographing winter scenes and snowflakes. While in Utah early this spring I had fun photographing some of the incredible landscapes but the excitement and motivation wasn’t as strong as it typically is when out with a camera. Most of the time, for the last four months or so, the camera stayed in its case. When I did pull it out, the batteries were usually low. That’s very unusual. As soon as a battery is running out of power I immediately put it on the charger so it’s ready to go the next time there’s an opportunity to go out. Even on this trip to Northern Minnesota I felt a lack of inspiration. I was extremely excited for this adventure to the Gunflint Trail since I’d never been to that part of Minnesota but photographing it didn’t really interest me. For the first couple of days I couldn’t see much I really wanted to capture with the camera. I knew it was a lack of inspiration because there had to be many, many opportunities of things to photograph. That all passed in a matter of minutes on this morning.

The flowers of a Blue Bead Lily

All of a sudden there were so many things to capture with the camera. I couldn’t get them all fast enough. There were so many ideas running through my mind. So many pictures I wanted to try. And to think, I was wrestling with myself to even get out of bed to see the mornings sunrise. A portion of that was only getting a little over 4 hours of sleep. Also the sunrise the previous morning was nice but lacked the spectacular features of a stunning sunrise, adding to my lack of interest in getting up. Thankfully I did trade my nice warm bed for the cool, Northern Minnesota air on this day.  In the previous post I wrote about the early portion of the sunrise but once the sun broke above the fog, I moved on to other subjects all around me. I had just moved from my original spot near a canoe launch back to the waters’ edge by our cabin when overhead flew a small flock of ducks which landed near the canoe launch.

Redhead ducks without their colorful fall plumage

I watched them for a short time before deciding to try and sneak back to the canoe launch and capture these unfamiliar ducks to me. They cooperated and stayed put while I set up the tripod as quietly as possible and began to photograph them. After awhile of swimming back and forth beyond my view I noticed they seem to be making their way towards me so I got the camera ready and stayed still. Success! They swam right in front of me before realizing something was there they didn’t recognize causing them to slowly move away back towards my cabin area. I hustled to get over there but they had swam faster than I could walk and were just leaving the area when I arrived. Unfortunately I was experiencing difficulties in getting my camera to focus and take pictures so the photo above is the best one I managed to get. Several other opportunities were missed because of my technical issues but it was fun non the less. (These issues were due to a dirty shutter button which I fixed right after this trip)

Equisetum covered in large drops of dew

As the sun continued its climb I noticed my shoes were quite wet. While that’s not very comfortable it also means a lot of dew clinging to everything providing more photo opportunities. One of my challenges has been to isolate these drops and get a clear shot of the reflections coming through them. In the photo above of equisetum I felt like I accomplished that. In addition, the lines running up and down this stem really stand out against a blurry background. It took me a little bit to get all of this set up but worth the outcome. At this point the dew drops were beginning to disappear under the warming sunlight so I needed to hurry a little. I tried a few different plants, attempting to find an interesting perspective highlighting these drops of water when the leaves of these Marsh Marigolds stood out. I love how the sunlight highlights the ridges and valleys of this leaf created by the veins and leaf shape. Adding in the water droplets makes it even more interesting to me because they really highlight the iridescence contained in the leaf surface and contrast nicely with the lines. So much fun!

Dew covered leaf

As the dew continued to fade I moved on again to other subjects as they shined in the beautiful morning sun. Below is the partial flower of a Marsh Marigold with a fly warming itself up in the warming sun while beginning it’s day of moving from one flower to the next. Even though half of the petals had already fallen off I liked this particular one because the anthers and stigmas were visible with a few petals behind them. It was like a cross section of the flower with the lines created flowing to the fly for an interesting composition. I then moved on to the Blue Bead Lilies which I wanted to capture before needing to leave this campground. The yellow, bell shaped flower above is of a Blue Bead Lily. I eventually had to stop to grab some breakfast and pack up the campsite but what an invigorating day. My excitement to get out with the camera has remained every since. My motivation and inspiration returned on this morning. We just never know when or what will reignite our passion but I’m grateful it happens.

Fly warming up on a Marsh Marigold

A Sunrise Worth Waking Up For

Slowly opening my eyes, I could see a touch of light entering through the window. I grabbed my watch from the nearby floorboard I set it on before falling asleep and saw that it was 4:30. That’s 4:30 A.M.! Having stayed up enjoying a campfire the night before, it was a real struggle to keep from just rolling over and going back to sleep after only a little over 4 hours of rest. I got up the morning before and enjoyed the sunrise so I can just sleep through this one, right? Laying there a few more minutes, almost returning to dreamland, I finally decided to get up for the sunrise after which I would return to my bed for a few more hours of desired shut eye. Adding to the challenge of getting up was the cool temperatures outside while being nice and warm inside my sleeping bag. Besides, looking out my little window from the bed, the sky looked like it was completely clear. Typically a beautiful sunrise involves some clouds to capture some of the suns amazing colors reflecting off of them. Grumbling I slowly got out of the cozy sleeping bag, put on some clothes,and grabbed the camera.

Light on the horizon

Once outside my demeanor changed. I love the early mornings watching the sky grow brighter and brighter while birds begin to chirp. Arriving a few steps to the edge of the lake by our cabin I was immediately grateful for the motivation it required to get out of bed as the scene in front of me was breath taking. While there were very few clouds, fog rising off of the calm water made for an amazing view. My current camera set up would never do. I headed quickly back towards my car to get a different lens and a second camera with another lens along with the tripod. Rushing back towards the waters’ edge I set up the cameras and began shooting away. I just couldn’t believe how beautiful the landscape was in front of me. The pristine water reflecting this incredible light making its way through the fog and I was the only one awake to witness such a view. Part of me felt disappointed others were missing this sunrise and at the same time I was thankful for this solitary moment. My adrenaline was flowing and the lack of sleep was nowhere to be felt.

A morning visitor

In a short time I discovered I was not alone. A curious beaver drifted near while eating a morning meal and watching as I switched between photographing with one camera and then the next  while taking some time to just be in the moment and enjoy the spectacular surroundings. Everything so calm and beautiful. A moment that stops all that is going on in the world. A moment so beautiful you almost don’t want to take another breath for fear of it being gone. But you do and realize it’s all still there, and if possible, better than the previous moment. The sun starting to shine through the tree tops making it’s way through the fog casting a soft, yellow light over everything. It’s warmth now making its way to my cool face bringing the realization I was a little cold. Everything was so beautiful I didn’t even feel this cold penetrating through me. Closing my eyes for a second or two, I could feel the sun’s summer strength being absorbed inside of me. Opening my eyes once again I could see this beautiful sunrise beginning to fade.

Sunlight making it's way above the trees

Quickly the sun made it’s way above the trees, becoming brighter and brighter as the dawn gave way to day and this beautiful experience came to a close. This is one of the reasons I love photographing things. I can look back on these photos and return to this moment. Remembering the struggle to get out of bed, rushing around to gather my gear, and walking to different locations to find the spot to photograph from. All ending with this gorgeous moment of beauty and calmness not only on the water but within myself.

Rolling out of bed and experiencing this sunrise re-ignited my passion for photography. For the past several months before this, I didn’t really want to touch my camera. I couldn’t explain why because I didn’t understand why. And for the most part I was ok with that. There were moments where I took photos because I knew I should but my heart wasn’t really into it. They would sit on my memory card for weeks or more which is unlike me. I just didn’t want to even take the time to look over them. That’s how I know my inspiration is lacking. Typically I can’t wait to see pictures I’ve just taken. There’s always something I’m excited to look at. This morning’s sunrise brought back my passion and excitement. I continued to photograph for another couple of hours and never did return to my bed except to pack it up in order to move on to another campsite.

An early morning with the sun higher in the sky

November Brings Beautiful Sunsets to the North

Temperatures begin to plummet and all that is living becomes brown and lifeless to the north in November. There begins to be less motivation to go out and enjoy the great outdoors in the cold without much to see at this time of year in Minnesota, however, there is one sight worth dressing up for the cold to see and that is sunrises and sunsets. We’ve had some spectacular days of both of these as November comes to a close. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to photograph many of these due to extra time at work but I’ve at least been able to spare a moment or two watching silently as the incredible colors begin to move across the sky. These photos may seem touched up but they are anything but. They are straight out of the camera so are as the camera interpreted them at that time. Sunsets and sunrises are just that colorful and vibrant at times in the fall months of the year.

Sunset reflecting in the ice.


At this time of year, with the sun so low in the sky, the show doesn’t end with this yellow source of light going below the horizon. In fact often it is just beginning! I did a post about this a year ago if you want to see how our fall sunsets progress. For sunrises the progression is reversed with the amazing rainbow of colors splashing across the sky ending with the sun rising above the horizon. In November it can begin about 45 minutes before the sunrise or end about 45 minutes after it sets in the afternoon. Yes, here it is still afternoon when the sun sets around 4:30 pm. One of the reasons for these colorful sky paintings has to do with having at least some clouds much of the time which reflect some of the suns light as it fades into night along with the low position of the sun in the sky. This happens quite quickly when we’re fortunate to have the right conditions so once the show begins it doesn’t last long.

Another stunning November sunset