Tag Archives: New Year’s

Where to Celebrate the New Year

Cruising in the Caribbean

There are countless ways to spend the waning moments of the current year and usher in the new year. You can enjoy a meal out with friends or family, watch the ball drop on TV, or gather at a bar with hundreds of other party goers. Many years I ask the question “Where would I like to be for the beginning of the New Year?” I’ve often thought that being on a Caribbean Cruise would be the ultimate place to welcome the new year. Cruises have become less interesting to me however I would still like to celebrate the new year in a tropical location as I have experienced every new year so far in a cold location.

As I continue to travel my list of places continues to grow. Spending the new year in Taiwan or Rio de Janeiro would be a great new experience. At least, as far as I can imagine it would be. The small amount I have read or watched about those locations peaks my interest. One place that tops my list right now is Sydney, Australia. The fireworks display they put on looks incredible to celebrate the new year. I would love to witness it in person. In addition, the Great Barrier Reef is on my list of places to see. With Australia’s summers occurring at New Year’s time this may be a great time of year to plan a trip their. Check out this video of last years display.

Hmm, I wonder if you could celebrate the New Year in Sydney, get on an airplane and celebrate the New Year again in Rio de Janeiro? Hold on while I check this out. Ya, that’s what I figured. Currently time runs faster than airplanes. If you could find a direct flight it would take 16 hours to get to Rio. It was an exciting idea to think about for a minute or so. What a memorable way that would be to celebrate the New Year! I could still celebrate the beginning of a year twice. I just need to be on one side of the time zone and then quickly go to the next time zone to celebrate again. It might be fun just to say you Celebrated New Year’s twice. What ever way you decide to celebrate the beginning of 2012 I wish you a very Happy New Year!

A Fireworks Celebration