Tag Archives: ice and snow

Winter’s Losing it’s Grip

Temperatures are beginning to rise and the snow is disappearing. I’m not ready for spring yet as there are a lot of things still to do but on a beautiful late winter day I couldn’t resist. I had to go out for a little while and enjoy the sunset. I was a little nervous at first walking out on the ice but soon became more comfortable as it’s still quite thick to allow people to walk on it. There’s so many interesting ice formations as it begins to melt and the water on top adds to it nicely.

Ice patterns created from cracking under warmer days

Walking along setting up for a different photo I looked down and saw these patterns in the ice. They had such fun patterns and colors very different from the rest of the ice. It was after sunset so the lighting wasn’t as good as I would have liked. While taking a few shots I noticed these three lines radiating through and worked to capture those as more of the focus of these patterns.

The end of another beautiful winter's day

As darkness begins to engulf more of the landscape, a planet begins to shine. I didn’t check to see which one it was. You can barely make it out about 1/3rd from the top to the right of the main tree trunk in between branches. What I really liked in this photo was the shape of the tree and the reflections in puddles on top of the ice after sunset.

Melting Ice

While going across the ice I came across a pile of ice from someone drilling a whole for ice fishing. These ice chips began to melt under the warm sun and I really liked how the last few minutes of sunlight highlighted these shards. I wish I would have arrived a little earlier and spent more time photographing these.

As the sun is setting, the moon is rising on the other horizon

After the sunset I turned and saw the moon nearly full mixed in with a scattering of soft, pink clouds. I always like to capture these weathered wood pillars protruding up from the lake and this seemed like a great opportunity to do so. These close ups of the pillars also highlight some of the rough textures in the melting ice. I would like to spend more time capturing that also as they’re so interesting. It was a fun hour out on the ice before it disappears in the coming weeks.

Texture of the uneven ice as it continues to melt