Tag Archives: 2020

2020–A New Year and a New Decade

The start of the next decade comes with no adventures planned. This is such a weird, and even a little uneasy, situation for me. At least it should give me some time to get projects done around the house that I’ve been meaning to do. There’s some discussion about a quick snowmobiling trip this winter. It’s been several years now since the last adventure on a snowmobile. Outside of that I’m a little lost for what’s in store for the next year. Maybe that’s a good thing.

Hitting the trails on a snowmobile

There are definitely some things I would like to do in this next year. One of those is some camping. I’m sure I can come up with a few spots I’d like to visit and explore in Northern Minnesota.

Tent camping

Another adventure for 2020 could be visiting a National Park or two with my family. This is difficult to do with everyone’s schedule so varied between school and jobs. Hopefully a summer trip can be managed. I would love to take some more time in Utah or maybe go see Glacier National Park.

Visiting a National Park

Working on my photography seems to be a continual goal and one that I’d like to work on further in 2020. I use to set a certain number of photos I’d like to attempt in a year. This new year has me trying to work more on subjects and composition rather than just getting out and shooting. Last year really highlighted some beautiful subjects and compositions for me. Being creative seems to be a challenge and finding the best composition can be difficult for me but I still enjoy trying.
