Category Archives: Wildflowers

The Trillium Are In Bloom

I love spring! There’s so much life filling the landscape. One of my favorite wildflowers though are Trillium. Driving by a hillside before the leaves have fully covered the trees and seeing a hillside full of white blooms is a very calming sight. Those large, white flowers sitting a top of three leaves are often Trillium grandiflorum in the upper Midwest. The most common of the Trilliums in this area. Unfortunately that spring display doesn’t last very long so the timing has to be just right. But if you come across an area filled with Trillium at just the right time, you’ll know what I’m saying. A beautiful display worth taking some time to enjoy.

Red flowered Trillium

At the end of May I joined another photographer to see what was in bloom at the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden in Minneapolis. Having been there a few times before I knew they had Trillium and I was hoping I wasn’t too late to see their beautiful flowers. First walking in I saw a couple of these plants displaying flowers that had already turned mostly brown and was a little disappointed fearing I was already too late. Fortunately as we walked further into the gardens there were others in peak bloom allowing me to get a few nice photographs to begin the summer. Exploring further revealed other types of Trillium also in bloom such as the red flowered Trillium in the photo above.

Nodding Trillium

A few other kinds of these beautiful flowered plants were also in bloom. The nodding Trillium seen above has the flowers bent towards the ground instead of displayed above its leaves and there’s a yellow blooming type also in flower. These yellow and red flowered Trillium have smaller blooms than the white ones but also have unique, mottled leaves for added interest. Often when first showing people Trillium plants they first step back. They think of the rule of three leaved plants – leaves of three, leave it be. That’s because Poison Ivy has three leaves and they don’t want to get near it for fear of an allergic reaction. When I explain the difference between Poison Ivy and Trillium (and if I’m lucky I can show the difference), they relax and begin to enjoy these beautiful mid-spring flowers. Maybe this would be a good plant to add into my own landscape at home?

Yellow Flowered Trillium

Early Spring in the Woods

The First Flowers of the Spring

We had a few absolutely beautiful spring days with temperatures in the upper 60’s to lower 70’s and I couldn’t stay inside and take care of the many things needing attention. I had to escape to the outdoors and go exploring. The first flowers of the spring were just beginning to open up providing a comfort in knowing that winter has lost its grip once again and it is time for our landscapes to come alive. In searching for these early signs of life I learned that the flowers that bloom before the trees leaf out are called ephemeral flowers. Time well spent avoiding the to-do lists as these types of days are limited each year and must be taken advantage of if at all possible. The photo above is of bloodroot growing under the protection of a massive oak tree. Below is moss which has the old spores from last season along with new spores for the current season. The last photo is of a rue anemone. All of these flowers opened up while I was exploring the woods they were found in making it fun to witness.

Moss Actively Growing


More Ephemeral Flowers

Wildflowers of Yosemite

Spotted Coralroot Orchid

One of the wild orchids found in Yosemite – a spotted coralroot.

Applegate's Paintbrush

In this cluster of Applegate’s Paintbrush the flowers ranged from orange to yellow. One of the yellow flower heads can be seen in the background near the top.

Western Wallflower

Some Western Wallflowers near a fallen sequoia that has survived a forest fire.

Wild Iris

A close up of an Iris.

Yosemite '12 208

Another Iris with a wild strawberry flowering in the left side of this photograph.

Blue Flowering Shrub

I’ve been unable to identify this flowering shrub at this point so any help would be appreciated.

Locust Tree in Flower

This appears to be some sort of Locust Tree in bloom.

Moss Covering Trees

Maybe not a flowering plant but I loved the bright green moss covering the bark of these trees.

Closeup of the Moss

The moss close up.

Snowflowers on the Hillside

This hillside was devoid of any other vegetation but these snowflowers insisted on flowering.

Close up of a Snowflower

One of the snowflowers close-up. They were near the end of their blooming period.


White cinquefoils in full bloom.

Wild Lupine

Wild Lupines were blooming in many areas of Yosemite during June. Many of them were 3 – 4 feet tall along the roadside while others were maybe a foot in height like this one.

Mountain Dogwood

The Mountain Dogwoods were near the end of their flowering stage but there were still a few showing off for us.

Phlox Creeping Out From a Boulder

It’s amazing where plants can live. Even under this boulder phlox can survive.